We Been to this place the other day we went to Samal,God this creature's stinks!
Guess..Its okay to put the picture here cuz its not stinks.lol.

they have 4 or five whole in the area. Men! there a lot lots and lots,its my first time to really seen this kind of animal,nearly. There still lot more of places in Samal island i want to visit. someday somehow maybe!
wala pa jud ko nakaanha diha,sa may paniki area.
siguro layo na...
humm medyo duol ra man gikan sa daungan sa Merce ferry..
Cguro kung makakita na sila sa ako...manglupad na sila tanan,bisan ug adlawan.
Hehe ano ba nman ung sinabi ko "Merce ferry" doesnt make sense. kaya di ko rin maintindihan replay mo d2 hehe.
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