Hallo everyone want to introduce you this is my teddy & her daughter bear lol.hekhekhek
They look cute dibah? My Best Bud Mechel (chel) that's her big teddy and she gave it to me before they go to the US. A day before she live Davao when were ready to go to airport. Yes we sent them both with her bro.to the airport,Men i remember how sad we were,and been crying like crazy when the plane ready to go.hahaha right Bhe? it was sad cuz she's like a sister to me,shes the one i 1st meet in davao.we got here me and my hubby cuz John Chels hubby & my hubby meet at the airport (manila) at the smoking lounge yeah they both smoke,that's why they get friends hehehe. We all miss the things we do Playing cards till the sun is sunrise.that's true..sometimes good sometimes bad.but we still all love each other.sometimes we both couple fight in front of them,hehe but its fun to remember things like that.we always talk everyday.mabuhay tayo bhe.friends till the end.charots,but true. muuaaahhh.god bless.

Hay bhe I really miss those times, How I wish we can visit there soon, we're having soo much fun...bawi nlng tau next time tlgng walang tulugan...muahhhhh lav ya lots....
yeah i know..love u too
Ka sweet nilang duha!!
makahilak man sab ta ug lansang.joke lang!
so..now i know,close friend di ay mo ni chel.
kaya pala,nice kaayo mo ug ugali...
hehe maoh. thank u kaayo merce.unsay name gani nimu?tama ba Merce?
LOM Mers mka tumbling mn sd ta anang pgdayeg nmo dha oi hehehe......Were best buddies jud......
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