We just have our enternet connection back also..hahay my honey was pissed earlier. don't know what happen about it. but good that its back to normal now..when he will woke up later he can do work again. it happen talaga sometimes.. So anyway Happy Sunday to everyone.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Good to have a nap after work..
Just waking up,from a nap.jeez I'm so tired doing all the cleaning here at the house,wish i have somebody here to help ;(
nap time
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Congrats to my Bhe!
(sigh) I'm just having lazy day today,,not even feel to clean the house. Hope we will have a exciting weekend ahead soon.wish wish. But my hubby is so busy ;( doing he's video thing so we can buy a piece of land here..hay don't know what to do (bored).
Anyway congratulation to u (bhe) Mechel PPP approve her blog site. muah muah keep it up kaya mo yan girl..go go girl ;) wink**
Friday, August 29, 2008
Its good to go out when its raining ;)

It has been raining a bit here in Davao,and its good to have coffee to make u warm hehe,so we go out and had a Cafe Mocha in this place KANGAROO coffee shop done by F-Torres street..my Hubby is really fan of a coffee. And he really love this place a lot,He said this is the best cafe mocha he ever had in hes life..& yes i agree with that.its yum yum. we also have some muffin whew.

Hubby is the waiter.. its a self service kasi..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Lets have fun ;)
Yeah just watch wowowee smile,live,and laugh so hard with tears hehe.. This is the Funny Contestant doing "RR" Style enjoy watching everyone...Wowoweee still HOT even though Joey De Leon striking them.lol..humm that's part of life..
many of us love this show i know ;) go go go wowowweeee..
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Trip To Tagum..
Its my Very first trip to Tagum City yesterday,we ride a Van 75 pesos hehe.but it sucks has an air con but for too many people inside the car its just like hell. 20 people i can't really imagine that.humm worse on our way home.. but we had a great time there.we came to look for some property.but i still wanna be here in Davao though ..
Anyway this is The Golden Palace Hotel Tagum City where the Meeting had. Its a gorgeous place,,and there Video Machine is awesome men..that was great.
This cutest little thing that u would want to bite him a little,a chubby cutie and wonderful son of Jorge & Verna..hes name is also Jorge the junior daw.he's very cute,i can't get enough holding him..
& this is me ofcoures hehe..at the back where the restaurant is,they a buffet dinner.. hmm for a long time ago i finally had a buko salad just last night lol.i love it sooooo much.ruin my diet again.sigh...
Trip to Tagum. tagum pictures
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My Teddy & my Bear ;)
Hallo everyone want to introduce you this is my teddy & her daughter bear lol.hekhekhek
They look cute dibah? My Best Bud Mechel (chel) that's her big teddy and she gave it to me before they go to the US. A day before she live Davao when were ready to go to airport. Yes we sent them both with her bro.to the airport,Men i remember how sad we were,and been crying like crazy when the plane ready to go.hahaha right Bhe? it was sad cuz she's like a sister to me,shes the one i 1st meet in davao.we got here me and my hubby cuz John Chels hubby & my hubby meet at the airport (manila) at the smoking lounge yeah they both smoke,that's why they get friends hehehe. We all miss the things we do Playing cards till the sun is sunrise.that's true..sometimes good sometimes bad.but we still all love each other.sometimes we both couple fight in front of them,hehe but its fun to remember things like that.we always talk everyday.mabuhay tayo bhe.friends till the end.charots,but true. muuaaahhh.god bless.

teddy Bear
Now its ur turn ?
Thanks a bunch for this tag MJ & Mechel
The rule (as copied and pasted from MJ): Click copy/paste, type in your answers and tag four people in your lists! Don’t forget to change my answers.
Spread it like Love!
1. Four places I go over and over:
-Victoria Plaza
-Gaisano mall
-Upstairs (hubbys office)
2. Four people who e-mail me regularly:
-Hubby(if he goes out to the country)
-Blog Comments ;)
3. Four of my favorite places to eat:
- Picobello
-Rai Rai Ken Resto
-Swiss Deli
4. Four places you'd rather be:
- Tacloban city
-Catbalogan City
-Davao city
5. Four shows I could watch over and over:
-My very special love
-For the first time
-Mari Mar
-Chuck & Larry
6. Four lucky winners of this tag:
Mechel (bhe)
The rule (as copied and pasted from MJ): Click copy/paste, type in your answers and tag four people in your lists! Don’t forget to change my answers.
Spread it like Love!
1. Four places I go over and over:
-Victoria Plaza
-Gaisano mall
-Upstairs (hubbys office)
2. Four people who e-mail me regularly:
-Hubby(if he goes out to the country)
-Blog Comments ;)
3. Four of my favorite places to eat:
- Picobello
-Rai Rai Ken Resto
-Swiss Deli
4. Four places you'd rather be:
- Tacloban city
-Catbalogan City
-Davao city
5. Four shows I could watch over and over:
-My very special love
-For the first time
-Mari Mar
-Chuck & Larry
6. Four lucky winners of this tag:
Mechel (bhe)
Now its ur turn
Monday, August 25, 2008
What am i doing?
I been so busy today doing general cleaning,sigh im tired.after 2 or 3 weeks ago no cleaning even a bit,cuz I'm waiting for our somebody. but it has some problem.the house is just like no people staying no more and i hate it. All i do is clean our own room not upstairs or downstairs. I hate these people around so I'm being moody today,i just hate all the people around me.one of my hubby's friends also stop by here a while ago.and i hate that girl,its just get me pissed more.i better go away soon! darn.
General cleaning
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Weekends Happening :)
Villa De Mercedes Gorgeous place.Saturday 23 3pm. visited for the events,open lots.
Food tasting Congressman Boy Nograles..kadayawan 24 Sunday.
Mag TV na sadya.having fun!they just do some magic thing :) Rizal Park DC.
Cast of ABS CBN interviewing some people at kadayawan festival Sunday 24 front Davao City Hall.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Indigenous peoples music festival..
This is awesome,the way they Dance and having those musical instrument there using. Know what it Amaze me cuz this is my first time to see this people here in Davao and to be able to watch this festival. i would want to join them this dance.haha.
I hope to see more soon..I'm soo excited..yuuuhoooooo!!!!
took a lot of pictures yesterday,this is on Victoria plaza outside.
There playing there thing. but i was get more enterested to take pic of that small huy here. its Dagul.cuteee..
Madayaw Davao
Friday, August 22, 2008
Word Camp.
Hubby and i going to a word camp on september 4,2008. thursday at 6-10 pm.
Where gonna meet the the guy who develop Word Press Matt Mullenweg.
u can also see there site on wordpress.com or in iceman9.davaobloggers.com see ya there.
hubby is getting excited about it.
Word Camp
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The bowling thing..
Its fun,but it almost broke my arm..cant even almost hold the ball and throw hard..we play 3 times,ate lorena and me all the girls there,it was our 1st time to play bowling. Ate Miriam and Ate Lorena in my back.wacthing my bad play lol.
By the way the bowling place is located at NCCC mall 3rd floor. let's go out and do some fun sometimes juts the girls cuz its more fun. but ofcoures also fun with our hubby's in there.let me know who's interested ;) wink*
next time i have to bring sacks,cuz they have these own shoe's there that we just rent 15 pesos,not bad but u have to have ur own sacks we buy it 35 pesos.
Bowling with friends,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
what am i going to do??
Whew i had enough sleep from waking up at midnight last night. Hmm so i go out with Ate Miriam at 10 we meet in G-mall,ate and we do some grocery shopping,and she teach me how to make Taco's. And the engredients where to buy also. And i make it already for my honey. he love's it a lot,im happy.
But anyway tonight we are going to NCCC mall again to do Bowling this is my 1st time to do this thing so wish me luck friends,i dont even know how to do it. let's try.hahaha. its gonna be fun,have drinks talk hang out with friends.with there wive's. see yah again tom. muahhugg's.
Bowling with friends
a witch is goin to fly!
It's only 11:00 pm,I'm awake already.not still awake. we slept like 6 or 5:30 pm yesterday. that's why now we are awake at midnight. sigh I'm having head ache na. ya know if my honey is awake I'm awake lol.yes know why? making him coffee that's my job be a maid.hahaha but i love my job. lol.
Anyhow going back to bed,its still so early. the witch is goin to fly daw.loko lang oi.
awake at midnight
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
what im doing is ?
being too lazy today,i just wanna sleep all day. but i have to go out later to see my OB.
sigh.....i dunno why I'm feeling so sleepy.lazy to do exercise too,i gain some weight.i am being told to lose some,honey doesn't like me to get fat.i just love to eat tho always,what can i do. maybe that's why I'm sleepy head that Vitamin's i am taking. Fern C. i use to take Trevoca but its hard to find it in the small drugstore's.darn. I'm thinking i maybe stop taking it for a while.it makes me ate so much,can't stop my self from eating;}
sleepy head
Monday, August 18, 2008
G-mall shows.Do u know what's Arnis?

Went to g-mall today my hubby get a haircut. I saw this Arnis show in there,at the 1st floor. its kinda like karate what ever it is..and one lady got enjury. yeah,,know why? she enter in that kind of play with her long nail's... ewwwww that must be so sore. ouchh!! i saw her crying. poor girl.

I miss the floral show competition yesterday afternoon. in this same place.
Anyway i love this look,the Durian's decoration hanging out there. isn't it gergous?? what do you think? speaking of durian still not have been ate that fruits again.1yr ago now. lol. soon again.. hummm..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
girls just wanna have fun!
Humm this is our group,and the girls night out last night. we had so much fun fun and fun... the boy's group was out last night also,some were just being a good husbands (including mine lol) and stay home,some had been a yaya for there own kid's. hahaha fun right.?
Too bad that the other's didin't come. Y? Cuz were sopposed to be a lot more than this. I wish (buntis) Grace were there with us. she's so nice,and sweet. We been to the Venue and the Bamboo Band was there so they change the place. we ended up on Plus 1 Comedy bar new open (bwenamano kmi) haha. here is one Gay in here with Ate Wennie. Hmmm Mylene get drunk at first she was so quit but then when we change to Chico's they order margarita there she get more drunk,but we had fun..whew atleast i have memorable weekend this week. how about you ??
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Attention!!!!! ;)

DAEA wive's has a gimik tonight sat 16 at the Venue
if ur enterested to go with us. Welcome ;) were gonna have fun. out to night life for sometime's.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tsk tsk.. know what i saw Senator Manny Villar in Gaisano mall erlier i go there to see the new movie double trouble get ready to rumble. it was start showing yesterday. So back bout senator manny,as u can see here,i am late when i took a pic. it was just he's back i captured. or its he's bodyguard's back. huhuhu;(
And one more thing,we just came home from Coco's grill restaurant a while ago. i wanted to buy some Durian cuz i saw a place just right there in front of that rest. And know what happen this taxi come and my honey just call it right away and get in. So i didint get a chance to buy it. I get pissed for a while,but then he start's not talking so i smile back at him again. just not to make it a big issue. but im so dissapointed really. i wanted to buy some,and have it for tomorrow.grrrrrrrrr.
Anyway have a nice day everyone. am going to bed now.night ;0
Got company

isn't that cool? There's a fashion and floral competition on sunday august 17 in gaisnao mall atrium,will try my best to be there. hehe.
whew im getting really really excited.
and the good thing is i already found someone who maybe will accompany me.There's two of them. Maricel Zaca's X. And theres one i meet in G-mall the other day,her name is Aiza from Panacan. It was just a good time i think, we were trying to xerox some paper's and she was there talking to guy about using the computer and she was about to talk to her BF he's from Australia. We starting talking and i see she also had FS. hehe so we get to know each other a little bit and give each phone numbers..humm will goin to meet her soon ;) i think she will be a good friend to me,& i told her my Bestfriend is in CO already and so she said she will might be my new B-friend,will see.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Face's of davao

Love to stay of those big buildings that you can see on here ;) wink*
how i wish that's our home (charing) sigh,, someday somehow. why? cuz i love being spoiled,which is too bad. hehehe
Its just a lovely day..and in the mood to took some picture's of the Apo View hotel,Mandaya Hotel,and ofcoures the Marco Polo. Speaking of Apo View we just had Breakfast there yesterday morning. we almost late,cuz it was 9;30 already,so they were not have much more food in there,huhuhu. no bacon and no other foods. Its a Buffet breakfast. but anyway we enjoyed it naman. its just too cold for me inside,im freezing;(
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Being told ?
Going back to the doctor again this morning, and later this afternoon maybe. Honey told me that i need to eat something first before we go. so i will not blame him when i get in a bad atitude again he said. ha ha ha. humm what can i say,that bothering me a lot when im hungry. we were walking from polyclinic yesterday and it was raining,it take's sometime to find taxi & we were standing on the rain. there was a guy also asking and said ''gang gang amerikano na sya gang'' that make me more pissed, as i said cuz i was hungry. what i did was i keep walking & said. what? r u blind u can't see,not sure if he hear me.rude ha. sorry hihi
Monday, August 11, 2008
Happy ;)
We just got home now. We go to gaisano illustre first,had dinner at Picobello.i was hungry already and so i was in a really bad mood.grrrrrrr,i can almost eat people. God i love the raviolle there. And my favorate drink's to order ''Mango" juice or mango shake. we been to see our doctor this afternoon. whew after dinner, that finally i get to smile.hehe that's how i get.lol...anyway its 9pm already.i better go to sleep now.night/morning everyone.. muah...
Cup of Coffee
Sunday, August 10, 2008
It's a Church Day
Today is sunday,but i didint go to church today huhu.
There's only 1 church where i am usually going. Before its in San Pedro church.
Now in Redemptorist. I found this place 1 time i go out to church with Ian, Ted's friend who live here at the house with us.there are two of ted's friend's who live with us. ;-(
Anyway,so i liked it in there (Redemptorist) cuz its nearest here i bacaca,where we live.
i will took some pic of the church soon. wink*
It is so gergeous inside. I guess the place is part in Bajada..
My honey not usually go with so everytime i go im alone. He never ever like to go to church,haha. guess that's why no marriage that happening. lol just kidding its not like that. its just that he hates catholic people saying " go to the world and multiply" the world is already full of people he said.he may just go to church if the priest will say stop making babies or soemthing like that. dont get us whrong,hehe not all the people are the same i know. but we know how hard to live this year's now.
Alright im confused of what date is the Kadayawan Festival is. hehe. cuz it start's on 17 until 24 this month. well i guess i just have to be outside if i may be seen it when it is happening already,and ohh i forgot where is the place ;(
If you maybe enterested guy's check this out. www.kadayawan.com
Im still thingking who is gonna go with me. my honey is still so busy naman. sigh,miss my bestfriend so much but she is in CO now. i have two more friends but they live in Kidapawan. which is 2 hour's away from davao. huhuhu,another one in manila. but she said she wish to visit here again. miss my friendship's.. do u miss ur's??
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Madayaw Davao
Have u been to join the Kadayawan Festival?
Whew im so excited to join soon, just not so sure what is the ecxact date it is lol. Last Festival we were here in davao already but i didint get a chance to go out,cuz i get that checkin fox that time,i was so sick huhu. but this time,yeahh baby i am free!!!!
But my problem is i dont have somebody to go out with me. im not sure if ted would come. i hope so. This guy is way too busy with he's work. huhu.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Can i ask you a Q??
Hmmp got nothing to do today. Worse im being lazy cuz i have my 2nd day monthly visit (sad)
becuz everytime/month that it come i feel so damn sick,huhuhu Dismenorhea,waaa not sure if i spell it right lol.
Hahay its so hard being a woman really. I wanna ask some of you guy's if you also feel like what i have been feel. Do you??
Cuz me im in a lot of pain,stomach cramp as it normally feel that way naman. but for me i think im having too much,huhuhu. A week b4 that i've got a lot of feelings to have,bad head ache,body pain's and lot more. And my mood will change,i'de get some bad atitude,,,well though maybe its just depends on what is the people around me.. My Honey know's it already,and he's staying away from me cuz he knew how i got sometime's hehe lol.. weird no.
Friday, August 1, 2008
What a weird dream
Haha i had a weird dream last night i mean this morning,when i get to go back to sleep from making my honey coffee.it was like 3 or 4 am.
He said i was making noices,,waaaa becuz i was crying so hard and was throwing things.{on my dreams}.. hehehe
Feel not to do anything today,i will just goin to text my friend Ann to come here at the house tomorrow to do some cleaning,were paying her 150 pesos. hehe. what do u think about it?is it too much?
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